Friday, May 8, 2009



Mum & dad quarrel yesterday night.... for the same matter again.... no matter it's 20s or 40s, the problems are just the same ... y we women aways are the one who are wrong in the argument... y men neva appreciate....they always claim that we are the one who start the fight... yes.. men r always right....they are always very busy as they got big business to do... but women nowadays not working huh? & besides working, women will still have a lot of other things to do...says if women are not exist in the world..who is the one who cook? who help men to give birth & suffer all the pain? who is the one that do your laundry? who is the one that help u wash dishes? perhaps u can say ur mum, ur wife, ur gf, or ur maid.... but dun forget, even ur maid is a woman too...

Actually i'm quite contradicted recently... i got this feeling of getting married but at the same time no confidence in marriage... for my case... he normally claims that only he will be very busy when his buyer is in malaysia but what i see now is even his buyer is not in malaysia, he will still have to work till 11-12 almost everyday... outstation, meet supplier, qc representative, station one unplug... besides working, he will still have his soccer time...even though not all the time he go but the reason that he dun go is normally because he needs to work... 

If i dun get married, i just dunno y i will feel so unsecure in this relationship but if get married... is it means that everynight i have to stay in th double storey house a lone after work? or stay at my mum or his mum house till he is back....?? mayb he is right... i really need to get someone that work 9-5.. then after that can accompany me.. mayb not side by side stick together but at least i'm not alone.....

now when i see my parent is still arguing on the same problem... i just dunno y suddenly feel so disappointed in relationship..wondering will us also the same in 40s? or 60s? or even worse... should i let go even though i know i can't......................................................

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When Pain Still There


So long din blog... even now still dun really feel like blogging but i'm blogging.. haha..lame me.. everyday life just routinely happen, wake up, drive to office, work, wait for 5.30pm, drive home, dinner, tv, then sleep... feel myself is so robot.. maybe will go out movie once a week with my hong hong after work.. sat & sun? is either movie or sleep...boring life & so scare myself will sick of this boring life...

nothing much i can do while waiting mr alvin, thus read thru kit's blog which i found i really like this passage below... is already the 5th year, but no matter how, when i think about him...or when he appear in my dream which just seems so tears will just drop easily.. not those shouting or crazy type of crying.. peacefully, sobbing quietly alone... thus i will always try not to think about him during day time.. it's still a pain in my heart... which will never fade away.. people says time will cure... mayb it's to someone... but it definitely doesn't work on me...haih.... what i can do is just take a deep breath & tell myself: relax & steady, genie teong.... there'r still a lot of thing for u to think about...u wun feel the pain if u dun think about it...ok??


Copy Paste From Kit's Blog


那天和一班朋友出街打发空闲时,犹豫了一下,买了生平千嬅的第一张专辑,《Miriam’s Melodies》。买下的原动力是姐的一句: “反正我一张CD都听得上两个月的啦,很值得你买!”但其实我暗地里说,应该是听足一世才对。曾光顾过那么多档夜市场翻版CD挡,买过那么多歌星的翻版专辑,都是CD听不烂radio死不休的!


TVB的一套《美味情缘》让我认识了千嬅的大笑姑婆性格,也听见了她的第一首歌。接着,感动我最深的歌,应该是那首《可惜我是水瓶座》。曾是那么疯狂的在新山Pelangi Mall买下一张有她《水瓶座》的卡拉OK翻版VCD。然后,04 年新年时,在前往泰国苏梅岛的沿路上,我在巴士上对着一行20个旅人唱了这首迷恋已久的歌。那时很尴尬的唱不起它高音部分,惹来哄堂大笑!而这首《水瓶座》,也是青梅们听过我唱的第一首千嬅深情歌吧!(《朋友》、《太委屈》、《离开我》除例)。哈,这几首歌是我第一次接触卡拉OK时唱的,用鸭子声唱那么好听的歌,的确很荒唐,但这些情节正正都是我们在康的家疯狂时做过的事!如今回味,便成了往日共谱疯狂的事迹。即难听;也愿听!


直到他离开后的那段时候,我常哼着这首歌,才发现在歌词中,找到了某部分的感情共鸣 — “犹如最结实的堡垒,原来在逐点崩溃逐点粉碎”。本以为他能很坚强地去和陌生的癌症达成共识,有着“我不再缠住你(癌细胞);你也别再干扰我继续存在这个世界上的权利!”的信念。只是,我都没想到再结实的堡垒也会崩溃,后来的他放弃了同生死搏斗的特权,泄气地离开。自己总是怪罪于他,怎么那么不肯争气,不要争回一口气来继续活下去。





29-10-2006 5.05pm ~完~
